Employee Perks That Will Convince You to Quit Your Job and Move to Canada


Salary isn’t the be-all and end-all for job searchers in Canada. Compensation is already market-based, and in most occupations, the great demand for qualified individuals takes care of it. Companies must therefore differentiate themselves from their competitors in order to recruit the best and brightest personnel. That’s how we came up with this list of employee perks that would tempt you to quit your job and relocate to Canada.

Working in Canada has the advantage of most employers offering perk ‘packages’ that employees can tweak to suit their lifestyles, whether it’s more free time to enjoy the great outdoors (and Canada has a GREAT outdoors) or prefer perks that would normally eat into your salary, such as comprehensive healthcare coverage or gym membership. Considering starting a family? The importance of parental leave will be critical. Is there only one professional? You may place a higher value on more training and growth. So, which of these employee perks do you think you’d appreciate the most?

Company Benefits That Make Moving to Canada a No-Brainer

Leaves of Maternity and Paternity

While Canadian law only mandates new fathers to take 5 weeks of paternity leave and new moms to take 40 weeks, many businesses prefer to go above and above in this age of gender equality. Netflix provides new parents with a full year of paid maternity and paternity leave, and returning parents can return full-time or part-time. Pinterest provides new parents with four months of paid leave and a month of part-time work as they return to work. The “Baby Cash” bonus, which is worth $4,000, is given to new parents by Facebook. Spotify provides six months of paid paternity leave and covers the costs of reproductive treatment and egg freezing. Who said businesses are unconcerned? Although we suspect it has something to do with our modest population growth rate.

In Canada, it is not uncommon for employers to be generous with the amount of paid leave given to new parents. Canadians, both employers and employees, have a strong family-oriented culture that allows them to balance the requirements of their growing families without worrying about money or job security.

Working Hours

The flexibility to work on a flexible schedule is one of the most essential features of what people are seeking for in today’s workplace. Employers place a higher value on productivity than upholding the standard nine-to-five schedule. Allowing employees to work flexibly around a set of core hours or on work from home days has resulted in a considerable increase in not only production, but also employee wellness and satisfaction. Employers also appreciate this perk because it is free to them and allows them to get the most out of their personnel.

When targets are accomplished, the World Wildlife Fund permits employees to take off every other Friday. Every year, REI provides two “Yay Days,” paid leave days for employees to participate in their favourite outdoor activities.

Development and Training

Offering opportunities for growth and professional development is critical to keeping staff. The government of Canada encourages businesses to provide chances for employees to improve their abilities. Offering learning opportunities also demonstrates to employees that the company cares about their future and that there is room for them to advance in the company.

Outside of the organization, Asana provides professional developmental coaching services to its employees. Evernote’s Evernote Academy offers everything from macaron making to apprenticeships and tuition help, combining team building and personal growth.

Vacation Days that are Longer

Any increase in vacation days beyond the minimum is a surefire method to attract new employees and motivate current ones. You will get the best out of everyone if you allow employees to “earn” additional vacation days based on performance or achievements. It should come as no surprise that numerous businesses across Canada use this strategy.

In the summer and winter, Adobe is completely shut down for one week. Every five years, Epic Systems offers a four-week paid sabbatical to pursue personal goals. RL Solutions doesn’t even keep track of their employees’ vacation days as long as the manager approves.

Gym Memberships

It’s not just about the workplace when it comes to promoting a healthy work environment. The advantages of exercise are numerous, and when employees are encouraged to engage in physical activity outside of work, the benefits will be evident at work. Employees in Canadian organisations who offer this incentive are more energised, engaged, and, most importantly, productive.

Employees at Reebok can join a crossfit gym. Employees who run, walk, climb, or skip over a million steps in a year are awarded with a variety of incentives, ranging from casual dress days to donations to the winner’s charity of choice. Smaller businesses, such as the Williamson Group in Ontario, have established running clubs, high-fiber Fridays, and smoking cessation programmes. In Canada, worker wellness is increasingly becoming a primary focus.

Workplace Benefits

It’s the little things that can make a big difference. Employees who look forward to fibre Fridays or Monday morning breakfast have a modest incentive to smile on Mondays and persevere through the week. Most Canadian employers allow employees to take their birthday off; these gestures boost employee morale significantly.

Whether it’s a free Kindle and $30 monthly book allowance from Twilio, or a $3,000 annual travel allowance for any AirBnB property for their staff, rewarding employees is simply a Canadian way of doing things. Twitter provides daily catered meals and even has acupuncturists and improv trainers on staff. The size of the company you apply to will have an impact on the benefits they can provide, but what small businesses lack in perks, they make up for in personality.

How can you Get A Job In Canada?

To work in Canada as a foreigner, you will require a work permit. The type of work permit you’ll need is determined on your profession. Obtaining a job offer will be the first step. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. You can explore for possibilities through immigration programmes like the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot, job boards in Canada, or even study in Canada, and networking throughout that period will put you in the best possible position to live and work in Canada.

Some firms in areas of Canada designated for economic migration require Labour Market Impact Assessments (LMIAs) before hiring foreign workers, while others do not. For inhabitants of some countries, such as the European Union, the United States, and Mexico, some companies do not require an LMIA.

You might be able to apply for permanent residency without having a job offer, in which case you can come over and interview for jobs without having to deal with any additional paperwork.

Do You Have What It Takes to Work in Canada?

Working in the Great White North is unlike working anywhere else on the planet. Employers treat their employees with dignity and provide them with a variety of benefits. While there are a lot of employee advantages that may entice you to leave your job and relocate to Canada, we believe the quality of life you will enjoy here outside of work is the most important factor in your decision.

If you want to check your eligibility for Canadian immigration but don’t want to deal with the paperwork, fill out our assessment form and we’ll do the rest. That’s all there is to it! Your tour through Canada begins right here.